PCOS and Ayurveda

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age. Women with PCOS may have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods or excess male hormone (androgen) levels. The ovaries may develop numerous small collections of fluid (follicles) and fail to regularly release eggs.  PCOS is a leading cause of stress and infertility among women around the world. It is a lifestyle disorder that happens because of hormonal imbalance. 
PCOS is a medical condition occurring in women due to the imbalance of reproductive hormones. The menstrual cycle is governed by the H-P-O axis i.e. the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian axis. Among these, the Hypothalamus and the pituitary are situated in the brain, while the Ovaries are at the pelvis. The secretions in these organs help in maintaining a regular menstrual cycle and more importantly the release of ovum from the ovaries (called ovulation). Hence, any disruption in this H-P-O axis causes the failure of ovulation. When the failure to ovulate occurs over a considerable period, leads to the condition of Poly Cystic ovarian disease. The cause of polycystic ovary syndrome isn't well understood, but may involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Symptoms include menstrual irregularity, excess hair growth, acne and obesity. Treatments include birth control pills to regularize periods, medication called metformin to prevent diabetes, statins to control high cholesterol, hormones to increase fertility and procedures to remove excess hair.
While the causes of PCOS are yet to be clearly defined by modern medicine, Ayurveda explains it very practically that holds so valid in this day and age. Un-mindful eating: We live in a fast paced world. Cooking at home and eating fresh foods have become a thing of the past. But this has also become the major cause of multiple health concerns including PCOS. Refrigerated and reheated foods, junk and fast foods, sugar loaded drinks, and protein shakes are all having a very negative impact on metabolism. Improper Sleeping: Early to bed and early to rise is a mantra that should not be ignored. Late night entertainments or exposure to gadgets reduces the sleep quality. Not Communicating: Most women do not address their health issues at the earlier stages. Work life imbalance, stress, and fear of being judged further the occurrence of hormonal imbalances.
Infrequent, irregular periods (menstruation) or no occurrence of menstruation Difficult to conceive (infertility) Hair – hair fall on the head, but the growth of unwanted hair over the face and other body parts. Weight – weight gain in most women Skin – pimples (acne), oily skin, dark patches behind neck Improper Sleeping
Eat well balanced meals, preferably fresh home and cooked. Fresh fruits along with meals, avoid juices. Include milk and ghee in your diet Spices like cumin, pepper, cinnamon, coriander, and asafoetida can be included. Exercise regularly. Have a daily routine. Get mild exposure to sunlight
Avoid too many curds, milkshakes, fried non-vegetarian foods, and paneer Raw vegetable salads or green leafy vegetables or sprouts. Steam or stir fry them. Junk food Eating late at night and skipping meals Being physically inactive or too much exercise Stress Being awake past 10 pm regularly
he traditional medicine system focusses on treating the cause of the disease, rather than providing symptomatic relief. The physical and psychological factors are taken into account with equal importance and are treated simultaneously. The Agni (the digestive and metabolic quotient of the body) is corrected, and this facilitates the better formation of the menstrual blood and regulates the hormones and insulin resistance. The medicines from Ayurveda also facilitate the excretions of metabolic wastes from the body. This will aid in weight loss, controlling, and reducing excess hair growth over the face, chest, stomach, and back. Ayurveda’s approach improves health, immunity, and cosmetic concerns by addressing the body in a holistic approach. Also helps women conceive naturally with a healthy baby. With person specific prescription and diet approach, the management of PCOS becomes possible in a matter of a few months, without the need to consume hormonal and contraceptive pills for years together.